Injoy 9
___Sper ca nu plictisesc prin scurtmetrajele astea. Mie , personal, mi s-au parut OK, si chiar foarte amuzante unele. Oricum in opinia mea, cele care vor urma sunt foarte amuzante si o sa mai postez cateva, in genul asta , aproape in fiecare zi. INJOY :D
Top Ten things NOT to say in an Airport
Smecher omu` , mi-a placut
Adam cheated by Eve
Perfect women from mens point of view... ;)
Eve and... new Adam :))
Thats all for today. Hope that you have enjoyed the short films. Bye ! :))
Top Ten things NOT to say in an Airport
Smecher omu` , mi-a placut
Adam cheated by Eve
Perfect women from mens point of view... ;)
Eve and... new Adam :))
Thats all for today. Hope that you have enjoyed the short films. Bye ! :))
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